Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Research Blog: Event of Greek and Roman Culture

Dancing culture of Orthodox faith 
In the previous posts, I talked about how I got to research about the Greek and Roman cultures and what I had found. As a student who is interested in the history of Greece and Rome, and hoping to study abroad in Italy, I gradually came to looking up their culture. To add another reason, I was interested in their history since I was young because of the myths and legends I had read from books. What I had found were the most well-known facts about the cultures, such as the religions, festivals, holidays and their culture in daily life.

Anniversary of Roma
Because of the research I did on the Internet, I know a fair amount of the cultures. However, this is because I have a lot of interest in it, in where other people do not have. I think people would like to know more about the facts I got to know because Greece and Rome have always been a popular tourist attraction, and by knowing these facts would help them when traveling around there. Another would be that what people mostly know about those cultures would be the ancient ones and the myths and legends they have, not the up-to-date information of it.

Then what kind of methods would be helpful to let the people know about Greek and Roman’s “current” culture easily? The Internet would be the easiest to do, however would have the minimum result. There are many other options, such as having a class about it, doing an event, promoting through brochures or even just bringing up the topic in conversations. If I was to promote inside the university I am going to, what I would do would be to hold an event. There are a number of students who want to participate in many events and learn something from them, so I believe this would be the most effective method.

Poster Presentations
The way I want to do the event would be to do poster presentations. I would first gather a number of people who are also interested in Greek and Roman cultures or even students and professors who are studying it. and ask each of them to make a small booth about a certain topic they are interested in about the cultures. When people get there, they would walk around to the booths such as the ones they think that looks interesting or even those which just catch their eye. The location would be in an area where is well-known to the people.

Who I would invite to the event, would be all the people in the area. Since it is limited inside the university, I would first go for the students, professors, and faculty staff. These people would be able to know about the event by making small pamphlets and posters about it and putting up around the campus. Then I would extend it to the local people who live around the campus. For these people to know, I would put up the posters on local restaurants they would possibly go and also hand out the pamphlets on the street to them.

Me at the exhibition
Compared to the past two events I had attended, one has similarities while the other doesn’t. The first one I had gone to was an opera gala, which is very much different to a poster presentation. However, the second even I attended do have some similarities and so might have affected my decision in making my event. I went to a gallery which was titled as “The Books that made Shakespeare.” All the books that Shakespeare had studied and read were displayed around the room in order, with a few of them exhibited in the middle. I thought that the exhibition was made well and that it was just a silent version of a poster presentation.

The Actors’ Guild and Rome
When I looked up for similar events, the only ones I saw were all related to the ancient culture of Greece and Rome. There ones like the “Adventure of Greece”, which had not additional information, and another called “The Actors’ Guild and Rome” that was a lecture about the Greek organization “Technitai of Dionysus.” Other than this, there seemed to be no future events, but I also found an organization in the university called “Eta Sigma Phi,” which is a national undergraduate honors society which promotes the study of ancient Greece and Rome. Having a look at this organization could be another way that could help learn about the Greek and Roman culture.

Event at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
So wondering if I could find any similar events and get some material for my event, I looked up on the Internet of other universities’ events related with Greek and Roman culture. All of them were the same with my university, being about the ancient history and culture of Greece and Rome. In the Institute of Fine Arts in the New York University, they have a “Seminar on Greek and Roman Art and Architecture.” A “Tour of the Greek and Roman Galleries at the Metropolitan Museum” is available in Connecticut College. Lastly, at Saint Anselm College they have a series of events such as Apotheon, Ancient Roman Coin Workshop, and Roman Recipes Test Kitchen.

With my event people are surely going to learn more about the current culture of Greece and Rome, however I do want to recommend another method. It may be the expensive way, but studying abroad in Greece or Italy or traveling to it I think would be the most effective way to really understand the culture and enjoy while getting to know it.

If my event were to be made it would be the first to be about the current culture of Greece and Rome compared to the mine and the other universities. This means that no one has really thought of getting to know what’s happening now in those countries, but rather just the ancient history of it. The past is also important, yes, however it wouldn’t hurt to pay attention to the present too. After all, yesterday was where we once were and today is where we are now.  

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